Intelligent Traffic Control System using Raspberry pi
Malarvizhi A, Dr. D. Janaki Sathya
Traffic Congestion Control, RFID Module, GSM Module.
The traffic control system is the serious hazards in almost every country this is due to rapid increases in number of vehicle. In order to reduces the complexity and reduces the time, the existing traffic system has to be combined with an existing technology. Emergency services are organization which ensure public safety by addressing different emergencies. They are allowed to do drive through the intersecting when traffic signal light is red, because the vehicles are not reach the destination on particular time. Crisis vehicle like rescue vehicle an ambulance and fire trucks need to achieve their goals at the most punctual. An intelligent traffic control system has been developed to overcome the traffic problem using Raspberry pi. This method helps to give quick way to the traffic system and ambulance clearance. In this system RFID and IR sensor are placed on the traffic signal used to detects the vehicle and also store the data of vehicle for future use. Based on the number of vehicles count, the information is captured by sensor and store the details. During the traffic congestion time, any emergency vehicle detects the signal that automatically change GREEN to RED and also if there is heavy number of vehicle standing on the signal and it changes the signal accordingly. Once the signal has been changed, without the knowledge of traffic police. Using Flask Web Application Technology helps to check the details of traffic changes through internet with. Creating an application using local IP address, by using this address the traffic police can able to check the changes of signal in everywhere. It helps to reduces the manpower and cost effective.
Article Details
Unique Paper ID: 147478

Publication Volume & Issue: Volume 5, Issue 8

Page(s): 203 - 207
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