Supporting Women Social Entrepreneurs in India- A Historical Study

  • Unique Paper ID: 150097
  • Volume: 6
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 1001-1005
  • Abstract:
  • In social entrepreneurship, different social, cultural or environmental issues are identified, solutions are conceptualized, developed and implemented. Basically, non-profit motivated in nature, the success is measured on the basis of “Returns to Society”, such as alleviating poverty, providing health care to the general masses, community development or women empowerment. Social entrepreneurship is gradually becoming a crucial element because of volunteerism and civic commitment. The concept of social entrepreneurship is almost four decades old, but in the recent past, it is gaining momentum. It primarily offers an altruistic form of entrepreneurship, that focuses on the benefits that society will reap because of an initiative. Social benefit or positive social changes or transformation is more important than corporate profitability. Therefore, identifying the existing social problem, conceptualizing a solution, which could bring about positive changes in the attitude of general masses, uplifting their life, safeguarding their opportunities, is the main agenda. Accessing a more comprehensive notion of how solving a social problem, will benefit the society at large, empowers the deprived and downtrodden, is very important in social entrepreneurship. Pakistani personality Akhter Hameed Khan and Bangladesh Muhammad Yunus are the prominent personalities associated with social entrepreneurship. However, there are numerous personalities and institutions in India, associated with the concept of social entrepreneurship, working for the cause of social upliftment and creating wonders. Social entrepreneurs emphasize on ways to relieve or eradicate societal pressures and produce progressive externalities or public properties. Few organisations, who could bring women empowerment through social transformation are discussed in this research paper.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 6
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 1001-1005

Supporting Women Social Entrepreneurs in India- A Historical Study

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