A Review: Biomedical Waste

  • Unique Paper ID: 162100
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 415-418
  • Abstract:
  • The production of biomedical waste increases exponentially in tandem with the expansion and development of healthcare and medical facilities. The production and elimination of this trash has become an issue for nations everywhere, not just India. It is created when people and animals are being sampled, tested, diagnosed, treated, immunised, operated on, and in research studies. The difficulties and solutions related to disposing of biomedical waste properly are examined in this review paper. It explores the classification of biomedical waste and highlights the importance of careful collection, disposal, and segregation techniques. Biomedical wastes have the potential to cause physical harm and health hazards; they can also spread diseases like Hepatitis B, C, E, dengue, and HIV through improperly contained contaminated sharps; they can also multiply and mutate the pathogenic microbial population in municipal waste through the dumping of untreated biomedical waste. The problems that could result from poor management, such as the spread of infectious diseases, are also highlighted in this study. Additionally, it talks about how laws and technological advancements support efficient biomedical waste management

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 415-418

A Review: Biomedical Waste

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Impact Factor
8.01 (Year 2024)

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