Growth promoting and antagonistic activity of pyoverdine producing Pseudomonas isolated from marine source of Alibagh, Maharashtra.

  • Unique Paper ID: 173620
  • Volume: 11
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 914-921
  • Abstract:
  • Fourty two bacterial isolates were obtained from marine water sample using Zobell marine agar. These isolates were further evaluated for the production of pyoverdine in succinate media and estimated both qualitatively and quantitatively using CAS plate and tube assays. 87 % siderophore units were recovered. The promising isolate was identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa by morphological, biochemical tests and 16S rRNA sequencing. The pyoverdine producing Pseudomonas strain was evaluated for growth promoting and antifungal activity. Excellent growth promoting results were obtained in gram seed germination experiments. The isolate was also found to suppress plant deleterious fungal pathogens viz Pythium and Fusarium causing crown and root rot, pink rot on fruits wilts in vegetables respectively. These in vitro antagonistic actions of marine Pseudomonas against phytopathogens and growth promoting results from seed germination experiment suggest that this pyoverdine producing marine Pseudomonas can be used simultaneously as growth promoter as well as to serve as a bio-control agent.

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