A new task scheduling approach to reduce the execution time of the task
Bhavika Mulia, Rikin Thakkar, Bhargav Modi
cloud computing, task scheduling task execution time, highest bandwidth
Cloud computing allows user to use different resources as a service over the internet on the bases of pay per use. Task scheduling and load balancing is the most important part in a cloud computing environment. To utilize all resources efficiently and reduce the task completion time, the task scheduling is used. Main use of task scheduling is to reduce the task execution time and many different algorithms of task scheduling have been proposed to reduce the execution time of task. Here we have proposed a new approach which will reduce the execution time of task. Our proposed task-scheduling algorithm uses a nonlinear programming model for divisible task scheduling, which assigns the correct number of tasks to each virtual machine. Based on the allocation, we design an algorithm for divisible load scheduling by considering the highest network bandwidth.
Article Details
Unique Paper ID: 144524

Publication Volume & Issue: Volume 3, Issue 12

Page(s): 79 - 82
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