A protected Anti-Collusion Data allocation method For Dynamic Groups in the Cloud
O . UMA MAHESWARA, J.S. Anand Kumar
Access control, Privacy-preserving, ey distribution,Cloudcomputing.
Now a days each and everyone talks about cloud.Benefited from cloud computing, users can achieve an effective and economical approach for data sharing among group members in the cloud with the characters of low maintenance and little management cost. Meanwhile, we must provide security guarantees for the sharing data files since they are outsourced. Unfortunately, because of the frequent change of the membership, sharing data while providing privacy-preserving is still a challenging issue, especially for an untrusted cloud due to the collusion attack storage system that enables secure data sharing on untrustworthy servers based on the techniques that dividing files into file groups and encrypting each file group with a file-block key. In this paper, we propose a secure data sharing scheme, which can achieve secure key distribution and data sharing for dynamic group. We provide a secure way for key distribution without any secure communication channels. The users can securely obtain their private keys from group manager without any Certificate Authorities due to the verification for the public key of the user. Our scheme can achieve fine-grained access control, with the help of the group user list, any user in the group can use the source in the cloud and revoked users cannot access the cloud again after they are revoked. We propose a secure data sharing scheme which can be protected from collusion attack. The revoked users can not be able to get the original data files once they are revoked even if they conspire with the untrusted cloud. Our scheme can achieve secure user revocation with the help of polynomial function. Our scheme is able to support dynamic groups efficiently, when a new user joins in the group or a user is revoked from the group, the private keys of the other users do not need to be recomputed and updated.We provide security analysis to prove the security of our scheme.
Article Details
Unique Paper ID: 145880

Publication Volume & Issue: Volume 4, Issue 11

Page(s): 575 - 578
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