• ISSN: 2349-6002
  • UGC Approved Journal No 47859

Effect On Strength And Durability Of Fly Ash Based Hollow Concrete Blocks Having Different Configurations Using Polypropylene Fibers

  • Unique Paper ID: 142368
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 12-19
  • Abstract:
  • There are three main basic requirements of every human being for the survival in this world as food, clothes and shelter. As evolutions were happened than safe and stable structure point of view, shelter was to be needed. Now in these days the masonry with using hollow concrete blocks increases because of various advantages over brick masonry. The hollow concrete blocks are made from various materials like cement, sand, grit, aggregate etc. Also we can use or add the byproducts like fly ash, quarry dust, marble dust, marine sand etc to make these types of hollow concrete blocks. Any type of waste material which can increase the strength of concrete that can be used to made this kind of hollow concrete blocks. As this kind of hollow concrete blocks can be made by using waste and disposal material, so that these blocks should be made eco-friendly. Here I use the fly ash as a partly replacement of cement to made these hollow concrete blocks lighter in weight and also adding various proportions of the polypropylene fiber to increase the strength and durability of these hollow concrete blocks. The overall size of this hollow concrete blocks was 390mmX190mmX190mm and the hollow section was to be cut from the various configurations of these hollow concrete blocks as rectangular and circular in shape which have almost same amount of hollow section. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of combine behavior of fly ash and polypropylene fiber in the hollow concrete blocks. Also I made two various kinds of configurations of this hollow concrete blocks which have almost same amount of hollow section as in rectangular type of size (2X100mmX105mm) and in circular type of size (2X105mmØ) to check the effect that which configuration will give the better performance. First of all, standard aggregate test will be performed on fine and course aggregate. Laboratory testing of material was to be done which included the basic properties of aggregate which are specific gravity, water absorption value, abrasion resistance, impact value, crushing value, and sieve analysis. After that several batches of hollow concrete blocks of various configurations were prepared with different proportions of polypropylene fibers. The t
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