Automated Medication Supply System At Remote Areas Using Gsm

  • Unique Paper ID: 142453
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 15-20
  • Abstract:
  • Information technology and telecommunications are advancing rapidly, especially in the field of wireless and mobile communication, and are the reason behind the arrival of new forms of information infrastructure having the capability of serving many new services in healthcare. The implementation of Automated Medication Supply Systems (AMSS) using GSM, can serve weakly served or un-served parts of the country. Automatic Medical Dispense Devices are drug storage devices or cabinets that electronically dispense medications in a controlled fashion and track medication use. Telemedicine is another concept which can be defined as ‘rapid access to remote medical expertise through telecommunication and information technology’. AMSS based on GSM will allow merging advantages of both concepts, and affordable and quick prescription can be made available when required. This kind of system can help the patients or person in emergency case with quick doctor’s prescription & medication, and will make possible the availability of such services at rural places or remotely located places in India. Controlling of medication can be done by the available doctor remotely. At the time of emergency, the person can be able to talk directly with doctor located far away, with a single press of a button. This can be done by the GSM module over the cellular communication. After knowing the symptoms of the patient, the doctor will do a diagnosis and give proper prescription. Using an on-call provider client app running on a doctor’s handheld; he will prescribe the medicines and will unlock the corresponding medicines’ storage box on the AMSS device. Thus, it can be predicted that such kind of efforts and the combined advantages of developing mobile technologies will results in the development of further more applications,yielding necessary and better services to the citizen of India.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 15-20

Automated Medication Supply System At Remote Areas Using Gsm

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