Nutrition Assessment of Several Sects in the Sri Lankan Community

  • Unique Paper ID: 142569
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 1-2
  • Abstract:
  • A questionnaire based community study was carried out to identify the variety and portion sizes of selected foods consumed by different sects of the society. The study included randomly selected sample of 4000 people living in different areas of the country. Sample included office workers, pregnant women, heavy working labourers, lecturers/teachers, executives/managers, housewives, athletes and school children between 12-18 years. Then, those different average portion sizes of selected foods consumed by different sects were analysed in laboratory scale using AOAC standard methods to determine their macronutrient contents, to compare with the WHO’s Recommended Dietary Allowance levels for each category. The study revealed that there was no evidence of energy deficiency of any category because of the large consumption of carbohydrates and fat by all the sects. Surprisingly, Protein intakes of meal combinations consumed by all sects were in adequate levels too. But the lack of dietary fibre intake was clearly identified, where it didn’t meet the RDA levels, especially in school children (20 g/day) and management level employees (22g/day). Findings of this research reveals of a great danger some sects of our community are facing as a result of lifestyles, where there’s not enough concern of taking balanced diets. The information gathered and analysed through this report can be used to prevent an upcoming health crisis, which may be common in almost every urban area in the South Asian region.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 1-2

Nutrition Assessment of Several Sects in the Sri Lankan Community

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