Assessment of Consumption Pattern and Awareness of Fast/Instant Foods among University Students in Sri Lanka

  • Unique Paper ID: 142617
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 8-11
  • Abstract:
  • Changing dietary patterns have led the people to consume more convenient foods including fast/instant foods. Purpose of this study was to assess consumption pattern and awareness of fast/ instant foods by Sri Lankan university students. A survey was conducted and data collected from randomly selected 150 students aged 20-27 years representing four graduate faculties (Science, Medical Science, Management Studies, and Arts) in university of Sri Jayewardenepura using a questionnaire. The trend towards fast/instant foods, mostly consume such food types, awareness for labeled information of fast/instant foods, and beliefs and attitudes on associated health risks of fast/instant foods were determined. Majority (more than 50%) consume fast/instant foods for their main diets (70%), additional diets (89.2%) as well as for desserts (62.5%). According to them, prominent reason for selecting fast/instant foods was the convenience in preparation (36.7%). In buying such foods, no faculty wise (knowledge based) significant difference (P>0.05) was there among the students on the attention paid for the food label. The aspect on which they pay the least attention in buying such food was nutritional composition (60%). Students from the faculty of Applied Sciences have the highest awareness for labeled information related to health. A considerable proportion (95%) of students have gained an awareness regarding the health risks of fast/ instant foods and also such high proportion (85%) practically implement that awareness positively in their buying decisions of such foods.

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