The andriod- mobile operating system with its mobile based applications

  • Unique Paper ID: 142976
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 775-779
  • Abstract:
  • Android mobile operating system is based on the Linux kernel and is developed by Google and primarily designed for smart phones and tablets. Android Operating System consist of four main layers, the specifying architecture is given in this paper. The advanced Smart applications of android in mobile, real-time and wireless sensor network are widening their service areas. Android is a disruptive technology, which was introduced initially on mobile handsets, but has much wider potential. In this paper we are studying, one of the smart and enhancing Android operating system application which are based on Automated and tracking from remote distance. These application helps students, teachers, parents, patients and users of home appliance as anytime and anywhere basis.Mobile Android Operating System it’s possible to develop automated attendance system, secure transferring of medical data and automated home appliance monitoring system. Smartphone devices such as iPhone, Blackberry, and those that support the Android operating system are progressively making an impact on society. In addition to their support for voice and text exchange, smart phones are capable of executing sophisticated embedded software applications, as well as provide a simple link to the Internet and its resources.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 775-779

The andriod- mobile operating system with its mobile based applications

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