Study and fabicration of compressed air engine

  • Unique Paper ID: 142979
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 216-219
  • Abstract:
  • As we all know that we need an early solution to overcome the problem of Pollution and fuel crises (which also further leads to fuel price hikes) so we need to bring out any technology that gives us the solution to this prodigious problem considered. One of the solution to this massive problem came out to be Compressed Natural Gas ( that could work either on Petrol and Diesel Engine) and is considered to have low pollution but it was not an effective way because of its low availability and also it decreases the engine life so the second solution to this problem that we came out is implementation of new technologies, which can be stated as the development of a new engine called as compressed air engine which does not works on the fuels like CNG, LPG, Diesel, Petrol, Hydrogen etc. it is only based on compressed air so it completely solves the problem of Pollution also its exhaust is clean and cool measured practically as low as 5ºC. A proto type, a horizontal, single cylinder low speed engine was modified to run on compressed air. Since this engine runs only on high pressure compressed air, so undoubtedly the exhaust of engine is only air, making it a zero pollution engine. Also this engine needs no cooling system because no heat is generated as there is no combustion of fuel, resulting in reduced cost, weight, volume and vibration. Also it's very cost effective and the operational cost is ten times less than that of petrol or diesel. Experimental analysis were carried out on this modified engine to find out its performance characteristics like brake power, mechanical efficiency, overall efficiency, air to Air ratio, volumetric efficiency, cost analysis etc. Though the efficiencies were low as the frictional forces were high for the proto designed engine, however this concept can be carried out on a professionally designed engine to improve its performance and stability.
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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 216-219

Study and fabicration of compressed air engine

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