Reliable Wireless Sensor Network Data Transfer to Mobile Cloud

  • Unique Paper ID: 143271
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 18-21
  • Abstract:
  • Nowadays, wireless sensor network (WSN) applications have been used in several important areas such as environment monitoring, military, critical infrastructure and construction monitoring, computing and hospitality. As we have receiving data from all this sensors, we use cloud to store data received from all kind of sensors. But due to the limitations of WSNs in terms of storage memory, energy, computation, communication and scalability, efficient management of the large number of WSNs data in these areas is an important issue to deal with. In current scenario, cloud computing is becoming a promising technology to provide a flexible storage and software services in a scalable and virtualized manner at low cost. Therefore, in recent years sensors actively work on cloud to transfer data over mobile. Data transmission is available with the help of Priority-Based Sleep Scheduling (PSS) and Time and Priority Based Selective Data Transmission (TPSDT). But problem occurs when all the data, which is relevant to search has been provided. This will increase time required for transfer as well as energy[1]. To overcome from this problem, I have introduce system called as, “Reliable Wireless Sensor Network Data Transfer to Mobile Cloud”. It works on absolute data transmission and mobile cloud. It will provide user specific and asked data instead relevant data. To guarantee the security and efficiency, the data is encrypted before outsourced to cloud, we propose the system with our contribution of adding data security and node security by adding the features of homomorphic encryption algorithm for data security and pair-wise keying for node security.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 18-21

Reliable Wireless Sensor Network Data Transfer to Mobile Cloud

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