Formulation of flavor enhancer using locally available natural raw materials

  • Unique Paper ID: 143294
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 77-81
  • Abstract:
  • Flavor enhancer plays a major role in many cuisines. The objective of the present study was to formulation of nutritive flavor enhancer using locally available natural raw materials. Mushroom, tomato, potato, garlic and salt were selected as the basic raw materials. The mushroom was blanched in 700C water for 15 seconds, dried at 600Cfor 10 hours, tomato was blanched at 900C in hot water for 1 minute and dried at 600C for 12 hours, Potato was blanched at 900C in hot water for 5 minutes and dried at 600C for 10 hours and Garlic was dried at 600C for 8 hours. All raw materials were separately ground and sieved through 200 µm mesh sieve. The eight different formulations were tested by 30 untrained sensory panelists and formula 643 selected as the best formula with respect to all sensory properties. The comparative analysis was carried out to compare the newly developed flavor enhancer with commercially available flavor enhancer. There was a significantly higher preference for the taste in newly developed flavor enhancer and no significant difference was observed between two samples for the appearance, odor, mouth feel and overall acceptability. The final product was contained 14.028 ± 0.077% Moisture, 2.5103 ± 0.004% Total fat, 12.156 ± 0.041% Crude protein, 3.782% Crude fiber, 15.162 ± 0.115% Ash and 52.361% Carbohydrate. The results of the mineral availability of the final product revealed that 100g product contained 234.05mg of Na, 398.62mg of K, 11.24mg of Ca, 4.35mg of Fe, 3.30mg of Zn. The major fatty acid available in the final product was recorded as , 46.900% Linoleic acid, 31.667% Oleic acid and 21.431% Pentadecanoic acid. Sensory attributes, physiochemical properties (moisture content, pH) and microbiological properties (total plate count, yeast and mould count, coliform and e-coli) of the product were acceptable in triple laminated packaging material for two month time period. Finally the product can be considered as the nutritionally rich flavor enhancer.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 77-81

Formulation of flavor enhancer using locally available natural raw materials

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