Stochastic optimization for Conserving Energy in Smart Phone Applications - A Survey

  • Unique Paper ID: 143308
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 29-34
  • Abstract:
  • Many mobile applications require frequent wireless transmissions between the content provider and mobile devices, consuming much energy in mobile devices. Motivated by the popularity of prefetch-friendly or delay-tolerant apps (e.g., social networking, app updates, cloud storage), are enabled by the ability to capture videos on a smartphone and to have these videos uploaded to an Internet connected server. Smartphones have multiple wireless interfaces – 3G/EDGE and WiFi – for data transfer, but there is considerable variability in the availability and achievable data transfer rate for these networks. Moreover, the energy costs for transmitting a given amount of data on these wireless interfaces can differ by an order of magnitude. On the other hand, many of these applications are often naturally delay-tolerant, so that it is possible to delay data transfers until a lower-energy WiFi connection becomes available. In this paper, we used the optimal online algorithm for this energy-delay tradeoff using the Lyapunov optimization framework algorithm, called SALSA, can automatically adapt to channel conditions and requires only local information to decide whether and when to defer a transmission. The SALSA can be tuned to achieve a broad spectrum of energy-delay tradeoffs, is closer to an empirically-determined optimal than any of the alternatives we compare it to, and, can save 10-40% of battery capacity for some workloads.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 29-34

Stochastic optimization for Conserving Energy in Smart Phone Applications - A Survey

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