• Unique Paper ID: 143344
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 165-168
  • Abstract:
  • he present work deals with the problem of detection of suspension rating which is frequently encountered in structural synthesis of kinematic chains. A new method which incorporates all essential feature of matrix method easy to compute & reliable is suggested in this paper. It is capable of detecting rating in all types of planar kinematic chains. Many methods are available to the kinematic chain to detect suspension rating among chains & inversions but each has own shortcoming. Most of the study to detect suspension Rating is based on hamming matrix & multiple equation method. This method is based on joint value & jerk absorbing capacity of kinematic chain. This method is proposed up to six bar kinematic chains & its inversion. C.N.Rao and A.C.Rao have been reported methods to predict the performance and rate the kinematic chains and mechanism among several configurations. In the present work a methodology is used which is based on the influence of type of links, type of joints present in a kinematic chain to predict the performance of kinematic chains without carrying out the dimensional synthesis.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 165-168


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