• ISSN: 2349-6002
  • UGC Approved Journal No 47859

use of recycled concrete

  • Unique Paper ID: 143392
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 58-63
  • Abstract:
  • The reuse of concrete and aggregates (recycled aggregates) in the construction activities leads to a sustainable and a better environment in the society , it is a good step to create market opportunities In last few years there are some cases that emerges the studies of recycled aggregates in the construction and geological works like in the filling purposes and in the unbound pavement layers.This paper is based on the review of some major physical properties of several recycled aggregates (RE) and their comparison with natural aggregates (NA).And how these physical properties affects the behaviour (mechanically and hydrolically) when they are compacted and used in construction works . The analysis of the effects of compaction on respective grading sizes distribution curves and their densities,resilient modulus , CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO and permeability. It also consists of the influence of recycled aggregates with the performances on unbound road pavements and those which are formed with the normal aggregates with the help of deflection values and International Roughness Index. The data collected shows that the performance of the RA is closer to the NA and can be used in unbound pavement layers .

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 58-63

use of recycled concrete

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