Design and Analysis of Hemispherical Pressure Vessel by using Finite Element Analysis based on thickness of the Material

  • Unique Paper ID: 143999
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 96-99
  • Abstract:
  • A pressure vessel is a container used to storesubstances at more than 15 psi, it can withstand greater than normal amounts of pressure without bursting. Those are usedto contain a multitude of substances including air, water,chemicals, nitrogen, and fuel. They are used in paper and pulp, energy, chemical industries, food and beverage. The objective of present work is to design a pressure vessel whose sole purpose is to withstand the pressure of the substance stored in it. Modeling is done in Pro-E and is imported to Ansys for further analysis. The dimensions of the pressure vessel have been arrived by analytical calculations. The shell is analyzed for the Von-Mises and the shear stresses induced in the plate, finally the analytical calculations and the values obtained by analysis are compared. The Von-Mises stress induced in the bolt material is 573.04MPa, which is less than the maximum stress i.e. 680MPa. Hence it is found that the design is safe. The shear stress induced in the plate is 30MPa,which is less than the allowable stress in the plate material
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