• ISSN: 2349-6002
  • UGC Approved Journal No 47859

A New Three Phase Symmetrical Multilevel Converter for Grid Connected System Using PV Source

  • Unique Paper ID: 144006
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 49-55
  • Abstract:
  • in this paper a new three phase symmetrical multilevel converter for grid connected system using PV source. The renewable energy sources are application of the distrib-uted generation (DG) in the distribution system acquired more attention .The Distribution generation systems are powered by micro sources such as fuel cells, photovol-taic (PV) systems, and batteries. PV distributed system in which the solar source is low dc input voltage interfaced to grid using front-end conversion.Three phase Cascaded H-Bridge Sevenlevel inverter is in¬terfaced with low frequency transformer with multiplePV Source is proposed.Nowadays multilevel inverter (MLI) plays a vital role in the field of power electronics and be¬ing widely used in many industrial and commercial appli¬cations. Moreover the advantages like high quality power output, low switching losses, low electro-magnetic inter¬ference (EMI) and high output voltage made multilevel inverter as a powerful solution in converter topology. The proposed topology is suitable for any number of lev¬els. When the levels are increased the number of switches used is reduced compared to the conventional cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter. This paper is particularly fo¬cused on the 13-level inverter with the requirement of low switching components. In the proposed topology only 7 switches were used. The harmonic reduction is achieved by selecting appropriate switching angles. It shows hope to reduce initial cost and complexity hence it is opt for grid applications.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 49-55

A New Three Phase Symmetrical Multilevel Converter for Grid Connected System Using PV Source

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