study of synchromesh speed reduction gear box and its replacement by planetary gear box in sugar mill

  • Unique Paper ID: 144371
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 1-5
  • Abstract:
  • Planetary Gear Trains are used in wide range for the power transmission and are the most critical component. Planetary gearboxes are used frequently to match the inertias, lower the motor speed, increase the torque, and at the simultaneously provide a sturdy mechanical interface for pulleys, cams, drums and other mechanical components. Planetary gear system has the advantages of high power density, large in small volume, multiple kinematic combination and axial direction of power path. The planetary gears are rotatable supported within a gear box on a shaft which is carried by a plate and it is approved within a gear box which extends inwardly from the plate and may be swung about a pivotal axis corresponding to the axis of the planetary gear shaft. The gear box carries one or more idler gears that drives between the planetary gear and a driven gear carried on an article advancing drive shaft which also carries a parting knife and a rotatable article advancing component in the form of a cam having a screw groove for advancing the articles along the groove during rotation thereof. Both compound and internal or external planet gears are considered along with the paired planet gears. It is stated that the simple planetary gear train consistingof two central gears, one or more planet gears and one arm, has 34 different types.
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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 3
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 1-5

study of synchromesh speed reduction gear box and its replacement by planetary gear box in sugar mill

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