Case Study on Agriculture Soil Testing Using Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Unique Paper ID: 144977
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 446-449
  • Abstract:
  • In country like Indiamajority of work is mainly based on agriculture, stillfarmers are not able to use theresources available for yielding the right crops at right time. Theone of the reason behind this is the lack of studyregarding the crop and soil analysis for the growth of crops. By the time soil test reports are generated, crops are yielded and harvesting is the averge of completion hence there is need for soil analysis to be made available to the former. Farming can be done using various new technologies to yield crops and their more production. In this paper i am going to checkRain sensing, temperature, moisture and humidity. This studyis all aboutstudy of soil features and an automated control features with latest electronic technology using arduino and transducer. The case study works automatically and hence reduces man power. The main objective of my work is to develop a testing system which can be used for soil analysis, whichintern helps the formers to cultivate and produce the proper crop. The wireless communication system has been in cooperated to interact with the experts.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 446-449

Case Study on Agriculture Soil Testing Using Wireless Sensor Networks

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