Implementation FPGA of Motor Speed control using VHDL Language (Xilinx)

  • Unique Paper ID: 144989
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 282-285
  • Abstract:
  • Stepper motors are versatile, brushless, synchronous motors that are widely used in a variety of applications. Stepper motors can also be known as step motors or stepping motors, and there are multiple types of stepper motors. Because stepper motors can move in accurate, discrete angular increments (steps) in reaction to electrical input pulses, they are ideal for applications that require controlled, precise movements. The amount of rotation produced by a stepper motor directly corresponds to the number of electric pulses, while the motor's speed is proportional to the frequency of the pulses. A stepper motor can only take one step at a time and each step taken is of the same size. The brushed DC motor is the classic motor that is used in applications like motorized toys, appliances, and computer peripherals. This type of motor is inexpensive, efficient, and especially useful for providing high speed and power in a relatively small package.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 282-285

Implementation FPGA of Motor Speed control using VHDL Language (Xilinx)

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