A Study of Investors Preference towards Various Investments Avenues in Madurai District

  • Unique Paper ID: 145027
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 150-154
  • Abstract:
  • Different avenues and alternatives of investment include share market, debentures or bonds, money market instruments, mutual funds, life insurance, real estate, precious objects, derivatives, non-marketable securities. All are differentiated based on their different features in terms of risk, return, term etc. All the investors invest their surplus money in the above mentioned avenues based on their risk taking attitude. “No pain no gain” it is the golden principle of investment management. In this fast moving world, we can earn more and more money. More risk leads to more profit. Investors cannot avoid risk but they can minimize the risk by investing their money in various forms of investments so that they can get a moderate profit. Hence the researcher has concluded that most of the investors prefer bank deposits followed by gold investment in the study Area.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 7
  • PageNo: 150-154

A Study of Investors Preference towards Various Investments Avenues in Madurai District

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