Control System of Robotic Car Based on Internet of Things

  • Unique Paper ID: 145227
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 459-462
  • Abstract:
  • Using Cloud generation we will able to retrieve information anywhere. By connecting the entirety to internetgave extra accessibility of data from one type system to every other sort of machine. This paper proposes a multiplemotion controlling mechanism of a robotic car the use of RaspberryPi which matches as master and Arduino UNO which matches because of the slave. Each device is uniquely identifiable by way of the controllingsoftware which is the central concept of IoT. Client manages theactivities of the car from far away or distant places over theinternet with the aid of voice commands and Universal Windows Applicationand additionally capable of getting data and feedback. The major contribution ofthis paper is that it leverages the efficiency of robot’s motioncontrolling system due to the fact the robotic automobile can acquire directinstructions at a time from multiple assets which make themaneuvering system efficient. Both device and client do now notwant to be online at the identical time. Commands and records arestored in cloud provider which gives us them while the tool isequipped to get hold of. A GPS machine is incorporated therefore users cantrace the car. The device has ultrasonic distance sensor foravoiding limitations coming in between its direction.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 459-462

Control System of Robotic Car Based on Internet of Things

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