Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Seagrasses in Chilika Lagoon

  • Unique Paper ID: 145296
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 415-418
  • Abstract:
  • Seagrasses meadows are acknowledged as valuable ecosystem service providers and integral in underpinning the health and productivity of the marine coastal ecosystem..With the increase in anthropogenic pressures and climatic change it has become a scientific concern to maintain the healthy growth of these meadows. Chilika lagoon studded like a zircon on the golden stretch of Eastern sea coast of Odisha, India, a hotspot of biodiversity as it support many rare, endangered and endemic species. With this view, the present investigation has been carried out which throws light on the spatial and temporal distribution of seagrasses meadows in the lagoon as their conservational management in now and in future requires detail knowledge of their distributional pattern. For the present study, the lagoon is divided into four sectors i.e, Northern ,Central, Southern and outer channel. Again each sector is divided into four stations;.Five species are found i.e, Haloduleuninervis, Halodulepinnifolia, Halophila ovate, Halophilaovalis, andHalophilabeccariare identified till date. Halophila species are found in close association with Ruppiamartima(but it has not been considered asseagrass till date) in the shallow water of Southern & Central sector.The environmental conditions; such as stable salinity, especially in the month of winter and summer (November & February) has led to growth of sea grasses in the deep-water zone and occurrence of species like Halodulepinnifolia and Halophilaovalis. In the southern sector seagrass bed are found in close association with the red algae Gracillariaverrucosa.Near Arakhakuda, Nalaban and shoreline of Southern sector Halophilabeccari is in abundance pattern of macrophtyes of Chilika lagoon and its adjoining area.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 8
  • PageNo: 415-418

Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Seagrasses in Chilika Lagoon

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