Definition of defragmentation history and monetary science can reduce the law of online backup savings

  • Unique Paper ID: 145312
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 6-9
  • Abstract:
  • In the backup system, parts of each backup can be physically dispersed after duplication, thereby causing the problem of defrostness in the problem. Note that we will come in fragmentation materials and out-of-order containers. Container waste contraction reduces waste performance and efficiency, if recovery cache is small, reduces container recovery performance outside the system, reducing fragmentation, we can rewrite the algorithm (HAR) and cache-identity. Each tube system uses historical information to detect and reduce precise container and takes advantage of restoring cache knowledge to identify the container outside the system. This effectively affects Q's performance of supplements in its data set, where containers outside the system are popular. In order to reduce garbage collection metadata, we suggest that the container tag (SAMA) algorithm should refer to legitimate containers instead of legitimate containers. Our large-scale experimental results of real-world data sets show every major improvement in performance of 2.84-175.36, 0.5-2.03%

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