ear hear using sign language

  • Unique Paper ID: 145333
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 121-125
  • Abstract:
  • In this paper we proposed to develop an Android Application for deaf and dumb people to communicate with other people normally. The Sign Languages are used, which were generally used by the deaf people in their conversation. we present this project to mainly focus on aiding the speech impaired and paralyzed patients Initially, the Sign language is typed by the deaf person which is later converted into video to the receiver. Speech-to-sign technology and VRS is used that enables audible language translation on smart phones with signing feature in mobile without dialing number uses a technology that translates spoken and written words into sign language with video. Video interpreter is responsible for helping deaf or hearing-impaired individuals understand what is being said in a variety of situations. The main feature of this work is that it can be used to learn sign language and to provide sign language translation of video for people with hearing impairment.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 121-125

ear hear using sign language

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