Baggage Tracing and Handling Systems Using MIFARE and IoE for Airports

  • Unique Paper ID: 145370
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 377-381
  • Abstract:
  • Main objective of this paper is to track the baggage and enhance the airport monitoring system. The proposed system consists of a MIkron FARE Collection System (MIFARE) tag and reader and Internet of Everything (IoE).MIFARE Readers would be installed at various location in the airport. When the baggage comes in the vicinity of the reader then location can be found which will send that location to the server. This system ensures that airport baggage tracing and handling system would be tracked properly and efficiently. This system can also generate detention list of the baggage. When passengers arrive at the airport they first head to the check-in section to deliver the luggage. At check-in section, the information of each and every passenger is taken and stored in the information bank (server). The information bank consists of four important items including the name of the airline, flight number, bag nature and mobile number of the passenger along with the identification number which is peculiar to each person. This identification number is stored in the memory of the MIFARE tag along with the other details of the passenger for any further investigation and referral to the information about the person and their luggage. It is a small scale application which is completely automated, easy to control, time saving and reliable.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 377-381

Baggage Tracing and Handling Systems Using MIFARE and IoE for Airports

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