Optimal Location of TCSC to Improve Voltage Stability and Voltage Profile

  • Unique Paper ID: 146185
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 1620-1625
  • Abstract:
  • With the inter connection of the power system ,thecomplexity increases day by day. The increasing of the load also favours to the complexity of power system. The complexity of the power system can easily handled by analyzing the performance of the transmission system by using load flows. The real and reactive power losses are largely effected at the transmission level. With the advancement in power electronics, the advanced compensation devices are improved which are called FACTS. Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices have been proposed as an effective solution for controlling power flow and regulating bus voltage in electrical power systems, resulting in an increased transfer capability, low system losses, and improve stability. However to what extent the performance of FACTS devices can be brought out highly depends upon the location and the parameters of these devices. In this paper, we propose three Evolutionary Optimization Techniques, namely Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Dragonfly Algorithm (DA) to select the optimal location and the optimal parameter setting of TCSC, , firing angle of TCSC and size of the TCSC which minimize the active power losses and improves the voltage profiles in the power network, and compare their performances. To show the validity of the proposed techniques and for comparison purposes, simulations are carried out on IEEE-57 bus power system
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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 1620-1625

Optimal Location of TCSC to Improve Voltage Stability and Voltage Profile

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