Analytical Study of X-Ray, Gamma Ray Lasers and Masers

  • Unique Paper ID: 146938
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 504-509
  • Abstract:
  • In This paper we present an analytical of X-Ray, Gamma ray laser and masers. A gamma-ray laser, or graser would produce coherent gamma rays, just as an ordinary laser produces coherent rays of visible light. Research to solve the difficulties inherent in the construction of a practical gamma-ray laser continues. In his 2003 Nobel lecture, Vitaly Ginzburg cited the gamma-ray laser as one of the thirty most important problems in physics. The search for a gamma-ray laser is interdisciplinary, including quantum mechanics, nuclear and optical spectroscopy, chemistry, solid-state physics, metallurgy, as well as the generation, moderation, and interaction of neutrons, and involves specialized knowledge and research in all these fields. The subject involves both basic science and engineering technology. X-rays lasers are one of the most recently development types of lasers and are not so far commercially available. The X-ray lasers produced to date operate at to pulse repetition rate of only a few pulses per day and are expensive to operate.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 504-509

Analytical Study of X-Ray, Gamma Ray Lasers and Masers

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