Effect of herbicide combinations on weed count, yield attributes and yield of direct seeded rice

  • Unique Paper ID: 147051
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 227-232
  • Abstract:
  • Ten treatments viz bispyribac 25 g/ha (20 DAS), pre-emergence pendimethalin 1000 g/ha, oxadiargyl 100 and pyrazosulfuron each followed by (fb) bispyribac 25 g/ha (25 DAS), pendimethalin 1000 g/ha fb bispyribac 25 g/ha fb manual weeding (45 DAS), pendimethalin 1000 g/ha fb manual weeding (25-30 DAS), bispyribac 25 g/ha + chlorimuron 20 g/ha + metsulfuron methyl 4 g/ha (20 DAS), cono/rotary weeding (15, 30 and 45 DAS), weed free and weedy check were evaluated for yield attributes and yield of direct seeded rice at Palampur during kharif 2013, 2014 and 2015. Most of the herbicidal treatments were as effective as weed free in reducing the density of Echinochloa colona, Digitaria sanguinalis, Panicum dichotomiflorum, Commelina benghalensis, Aeschynomene indica and total weed count. Herbicidal treatments significantly increased plant height, effective panicles, panicle length, grains/panicle. Grain yield was negatively associated with count of E. colona, D. sanguinalis, P. dichotomiflorum and total weed count and positively associated with effective tillers and grains/ panicle. Pendimethalin 1000 g/ha (0-2 DAS) fb bispyribac 25g/ha (20 DAS) fb manual weeding (45 DAS) behaving statistically alike with oxadiargyl fb bispyribac, pendimethalin fb bispyribac, bispyribac, pyrazosulfuron fb bispyribac and weed free resulted in significantly higher grain yield of rice over other treatments. With every 1 weed/m2 increase in density, the grain yield of dry seeded rice was expected to fall by 15.1 kg/ha. Un-controlled growth of weeds reduced the grain yield of rice by 67.1%.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 227-232

Effect of herbicide combinations on weed count, yield attributes and yield of direct seeded rice

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