• Unique Paper ID: 147122
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 261-264
  • Abstract:
  • Violence has occupied a huge space in our society. It is an act that is not only creating social bias but also embarrassment, isolation, ostracism and even some times lead to death. Any act that is happening with purpose or without intention but is disturbing an individual negatively in an injurious or destructive way maybe supposed as violence. Violence may be social, political, religious or emotional depending on the condition of a neighboring society. Violence in any form is a misuse of human rights which limits or rejects an individual restricts to use his or her rights in the society. The basic rights are rights to live, speech or religion, freedom of thought, freedom of movement, choice, acceptance and safety. Inopportunely the girl-child has suffered most in our society, both within the family and the other social organizations that are destined to train, instruct and socialize her behavior. The girl-child in many countries has been sexually harassed, traded, deprived of education, disgraced, burdened and repressed. She has been exposed to many types of gender-based violence such as domestic violence, social violence, rape, forced for prostitution and forced for early marriage. These impose on the development, rights and physical security of the female gender particularly the girl child, with enormous and serious values. The objective of this paper is to see the level to which the girl-child has been exposed to violence, how she suffers and is still getting pains and tortures from one type of violence to the other. The paper determines that in spite of the violence prohibition Act of 2015 the girl-child is still very much exposed to violence and if certain actions against are not taken the girl-child will remain deprived of her own rights.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 261-264


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