A study on SSI problems and its Impact on the Productivity with reference to Ariyalur District

  • Unique Paper ID: 147123
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 52-55
  • Abstract:
  • In Ariyalur district of Tamil Nadu there exists a desperate need to recognize different empowering factors, restricting elements and forthcoming components which limits/urges small scale industries to seek after their entrepreneurial dreams. This thesis aims at problems and prospectus of the small scale industries with special reference to Ariyalur. If there should arise an occurrence of business owners in Ariyalur district , family and internal enthusiasm and self control are imperative empowering factors which lift their inspiration scale to perform in the state. Most leaping constraining variables have been double part in home and business, poor learning of government plans, obliviousness about keeping money techniques and customs, poor information of budgetary administration, absence of recreation time and absence of mechanical aptitudes. As to prospect, it was found that there exist sufficient prospects in administrations segment over manufacturing and other exchanging business. The exploration depends on the grounds of problems and availability of opportunities in Ariyalur district particularly scope of the whole regions and picking the examples was one of the hindrance which has been most critical for the research. Other than choice of tests meeting them at their helpful time was alternate obstructions have been approach of those respondents who tried to offer reactions to the interview schedule , government information the same number of enrolled units were generally closed or couple of proprietor respondents demonstrated their failure to react to the given by the utilization of their own commitment.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 52-55

A study on SSI problems and its Impact on the Productivity with reference to Ariyalur District

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