A Framework of E-HRM concept and its implementation issues in Corporate Sectors

  • Unique Paper ID: 147595
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 230-235
  • Abstract:
  • According to Biswanath Ghosh, in any organization the most valuable input is the human element. The success or failure of an organization depends to a large extent on the persons who manage and run the organization, therefore, they need careful management. In business the greatest asset is the human resource of the enterprise and not the plant, equipment or the big buildings it owns. There was a time when manpower was considered as a cost factor but not it is recognized as an investment. More and more organizations have been replacing face-to-face human resource management activities with electronic human resource management, E-HRM for short. E-HRM facilitates the HR function to create dynamic and operational capabilities and contributes greatly on HRM effectiveness. This article elaborates on E-HRM in detail on the following aspects: Introduction of E-HRM, types of E-HRM, goals and roles of E-HRM, implementation, Evaluation of E-HRM and it is expected to help people understand E-HRM more comprehensively and systematically. Based on the review some initial theoretical and topical implications are discussed in order to support a future research program in e-HRM.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 230-235

A Framework of E-HRM concept and its implementation issues in Corporate Sectors

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