Arduino Based Smart Street Light System

  • Unique Paper ID: 147617
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 214-218
  • Abstract:
  • In the recent years the demand is increasing day to day. It is found that large quantity of electricity in many countries is consumed in lighting the streets. Most of basic street lighting systems are switched ON/OFF at regular intervals of time. In this project the system is to develop a street light energy saving control system to reduce energy if no vehicles pass through certain roads. The proposed system saves a large amount of the electrical power. In addition, it may increase the lifetime of the lamps. Operation of this system is to maintain the intensity of street lighting to 40% of the maximum intensity if no vehicles passing through the road. When the IR sensor detects movement of the vehicle, the street lights will be switched to 100% intensity. LDR is used in the system to detect day/night. Once day is detected all the street lights will be in the OFF state. Arduino microcontroller is used to control the system. IR sensor functions as a vehicle detector will be send a signal to the Arduino will be control the intensity of the LED while the current sensor is used as the current detector LED lamp. The prototype for the street lighting energy saving control system is also has safety usage that is the light will not turn OFF completely but only dimming and the user can easily see from far away and the light will full turn ON if it detecting movement. As it is observed that, if any of the street light has been damaged then unless it is been complained manually it will never come to operation state. So to detect the proper operation of the street light an LDR sensor is placed below the street light once its night and as all the lights should glow at 40% of maximum intensity if the value of LDR is not changing then it implies that the street light is not working properly the same is displayed on LCD. The system has shown a great energy savings and if the system can be upgrade with many functions and user friendly the system can be commercialize and the cost for retrofitting the street lighting energy saving control system can be lowered.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 214-218

Arduino Based Smart Street Light System

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8.01 (Year 2024)

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