Review on Heat Transfer Enhancement by using Twisted Tape Insert

  • Unique Paper ID: 147643
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 37-41
  • Abstract:
  • Heat transfer devices have been used for exchange and enhancement of heat transfer rate in many industrial and domestic applications. There has been intensive effort to develop design of heat exchanger that can result in energy saving as well as material and other cost saving. Improvement techniques generally reduce the thermal resistance either by increasing the effective heat transfer surface area or by generating turbulence. Occasionally these changes are accompanied by enhancing the required turbulence by means of external Power which results in higher cost. The effectiveness of a heat transfer rate is calculated by the ratio of the change in the heat transfer rate to change in friction factor. The Various types of inserts are implemented in many heat exchanger devices. The different type of Geometrical parameters are width, length, twist ratio, twist direction, etc. that increase the surface area of heat transfer. For example insert with rectangular slot and without rectangular slot on twisted tape can give a better performance in both laminar and turbulent flow compared to twisted tape with rectangular slot and without rectangular slot twisted tape alone. This review paper provides a comprehensive review of passive heat transfer devices and their advantages for different industrial applications.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 10
  • PageNo: 37-41

Review on Heat Transfer Enhancement by using Twisted Tape Insert

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