Temperature dependence of electrical resistivity and phase transformation studies of amorphous Fe76Nd4B20 alloy

  • Unique Paper ID: 147988
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 708-710
  • Abstract:
  • The temperature dependence of electrical resistivity and phase transformation studies of amorphous Fe76Nd4B20 alloy have been done in the temperature range 300 K - 950 K. From the resistivity measurements, the resistivity of the amorphous Fe76Nd4B20 alloy at 300 K, ρ(300) is found to be 186 µΩ-cm. The Curie Temperature (TC), the first step of crystallization (TX1) and the second step of crystallization (TX2) of the amorphous sample are found to be 600 K, 800 K and 910 K, respectively. The temperature coefficient of resistivity (TCR), α and the Debye temperarure (Ï´D) of the amorphous sample are found to be 8.065 X 10-4 K-1 and 408 K, respectively. The results are compared with those of the published other similar systems and discussed to understand the crystallization behavior and thermal stability of amorphous Fe76Nd4B20 alloy.

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