Malicious URL Detection using Machine Learning

  • Unique Paper ID: 148580
  • Volume: 6
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 142-147
  • Abstract:
  • Internet underpins a wide range of crimes, for example, spreading of Malwares and Misrepresentation of data usage. In spite of the fact that the exact inspirations driving these plans may vary, the shared factor lies in the way that clueless clients visit their locales. These visits can be driven by email, web list items or connections from other website pages. In all cases, in any case, the client is required to make some move, for example, tapping on an ideal Uniform Resource Locator (URL). In this paper, we address the identification of pernicious URL’s using various machine learning algorithms specifically Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, Random Forest and k-Nearest Neighbours and logistic regression. Besides, we embraced an open dataset including various URLs (examples) and their corresponding labels. Specifically, Random Forest and Support Vector Machines achieve the most astounding precision. The phishing issue is tremendous and there does not exist just a single answer to limit all vulnerabilities viably, hence the systems are actualized and implemented.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 6
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 142-147

Malicious URL Detection using Machine Learning

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