Design and realization of RFID based smart voting system with frontal face recognition technique

  • Unique Paper ID: 149430
  • Volume: 6
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 338-343
  • Abstract:
  • The main aspect of democracy of a nation is the VOTE by which people elect their favorite candidate to rule the nation. Intervention of illegal practices will lead the nation to wrong hands. There are several methods adopted by the government to avoid crimes during voting. But the untouched area without proper security is the verification process. This process is still done manually in our country and there is a huge manpower requirement. This paper mainly helps in resolving difficulties and crimes involved in verification process. In this system a database containing the details of the voter, fingerprint and face details are collected prior and stored. The voter is given an RFID card which will serve as a voter ID card for the individual and contains details about the person. During the day of voting the voter will undergo a three level verification process. The voter’s card is first read by an RFID reader, the details of the person are displayed on the LCD and then the voter is asked to verify his fingerprint. The fingerprint reader reads the finger print and verifies the fingerprint with already existing database, if the finger print details matches, the next level of verification continues. The voter’s face is recognized and matched with the existing database. If all the three levels are matched then the door of ballot booth opens for the voter to cast the vote. If not the voter is barred from voting. Also the results are simultaneously displayed on the monitor. This secured verification process prevents proxies, political party intervention and other crime activities during the Election Day.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 6
  • Issue: 12
  • PageNo: 338-343

Design and realization of RFID based smart voting system with frontal face recognition technique

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