Detection Of Leaf Health To Increase The Crop Yield Rate In Agriculture Field Using Digital Image Processing

  • Unique Paper ID: 149697
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 391-395
  • Abstract:
  • Agriculture not only provides food and raw material but also employment opportunities to a very large proportion of population It’s important wherever in additional than seventieth population of an Asian country is depends on agriculture. Which means it feeds nice range of individuals. The foremost necessity is to consider the crop quality because of disease. The key to stop agricultural losses is to detect the disease at its early stage. The aim of our project is to develop a software system answer that Mechanically find and classify disease. The step like loading an image, Preprocessing, Segmentation, extraction and classification are involved . The leaves pictures are used for detecting the plant diseases. Therefore the use of image processing technique to find and classify the diseases in agricultural application is useful.

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