Advance metering infrastructure and customer system

  • Unique Paper ID: 149882
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 997-1003
  • Abstract:
  • Electricity is the heart of today’s world. And now the world is going to be digital so electricity is very much important aspect. Generation and supply of electricity is the primary task of electricity board but it is also important to measure the power used by the consumer that is taking reading and generate the bills. In current scenario taking a reading and generating bill is manual work. It is very time-consuming. Power theft is the one of the biggest problem in India. Sometimes users do not pay the bill on time so the electricity board worker has to come and disconnect the power manually. In this case, sometimes corruption done by the user or by the worker which leads to the loss for the electric board. In some area camera also used to take the reading but it’s the very complicated system and not so friendly-user. To avoid all these problem, we proposed a smart meter automatic payment. We also used the relays to cut down the power supply of unpaid user which would be controlled wirelessly using IOT concept. Reading will be taken automatically and user gets the notification through using application. Smart flow meter help improve the water and gas metering accuracy by an order of magnitude compared to traditional meter. Traditional mechanical flow meters measure water and gas usage mechanical components that are prone to friction and get out of calibration easily leading to inaccurate reading and high maintenance cost utilities and industries can leverage on electronic flow meter which are a modern alternative to that old technology. Not only do these smart meters provide the necessary accuracy and precision, they also reduce power consumption and man power.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 997-1003

Advance metering infrastructure and customer system

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