Performance of Synthetic Fiber in Cocrete

  • Unique Paper ID: 150092
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 354-358
  • Abstract:
  • As we can see the global warming issues in the atmosphere various inventions and researches has been made to minimize this effect by using synthetic fiber in concrete. Synthetic fiber is mostly preferred due to the advantages of it is compared with other materials. Different types of synthetic fibers is used in concrete for enhancing the various mechanical properties, to increase life span as they have wide range of advantages such as high ductility, resistance to plastic shrinkage during the process of curing, high tensile and compressive strength, resistance to impact, resistance to abrasion with low cost. This review aims to provide information regarding the factors affecting mechanical performance and durability of concrete and advances made with them. Different test also has been performed on synthetic fiber reinforced concrete.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 354-358

Performance of Synthetic Fiber in Cocrete

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