Animatronic robot with Telepresence vision

  • Unique Paper ID: 150160
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 150-154
  • Abstract:
  • We have been using tele operated robots in various industrial and military applications to reduce human efforts and avoiding endangering human life. Nearly all operating robots are controlled using a pc, keyboard or joystick and image or video captured with camera is seen on a monitor. Due to this tradition approach there is a gap between human operator wants to do and what robots do in actual. Robot can’t perform exact action human want them to perform due to less interactive input system. Which reduce accuracy of the system and hence reducing the capabilities of the robot. Our project is to work on a new approach with hardware and software system which will bridge this gap. Animatronics is a field which uses anatomy, mechatronics, robotics to replicate human (or any other living subject) motion. [6],[7] Telepresence is a set of technologies which allow a person to feel as if he/she were present, to give the appearance of being present, or to have an effect, with tele robotics, at a place different than their true location. [2] If we incorporate these two technic in robots, various problems mentioned above can be solved. With use of animatronics we will be controlling the robot’s hand (or any mechanical part) movement by sensing human hand movement as if it mimicking it. We will be implementing telepresence vision by displaying image/video camera on a VR headset/smartphone display placed in front of operators eyes. The camera’s movement i.e. where camera is looking is controlled as per the user’s head movement i.e. camera moves the same way operator’s head moves. So our project is to design a telepresence system which will provide better all-around and on field view to the operator. And the video feed will be from the direction operator wish to see now and this without any complex control mechanism but just neck movement of the operator. Above two systems along with other required things are mounted on mobile platform controlled by operator to give all direction mobility. The new techniques used in this project can be used in various rescue and security operations like complex mechanical operation to be performed at radio active or chemically hazardous places, bomb diffusion, repair operations

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 3
  • PageNo: 150-154

Animatronic robot with Telepresence vision

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