Growth of Education Concerned with Global Citizenship

  • Unique Paper ID: 150397
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 177-180
  • Abstract:
  • The present paper reveals with the crisis, specially war, environmental pollution, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation, which is challenging the peace of the world. Many of these crisis are the result of misunderstandings and lack of familiarity of cultures with one another. Most of these crisis are solvable through citizenship education, particularly in higher education. In fact one of the major goals of global citizenship education is to help learners to attain an individual, national, and global identity so they will be able to participate actively in solving international problems such as opposition, war, AIDS, global poverty, etc. This demands educating individuals beyond geographical borders, educating Individuals who pass the geographical borders and do not imprison themselves within the borders in which they were born .This is in fact how religions look at human beings; Universal thinking and concern for native and local community modifications originate from celestial revelation. In this article the effort is taken to explain the necessity of global citizenship education as well as to explore the relationship between globalization, and global citizenship education. Global citizenship education will also be reviewed from three aspects of knowledge, skill, and value. Finally the appropriate content of such education will be discussed. Keyword: Global Citizenship Education, World Peace and Security, higher education

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 5
  • PageNo: 177-180

Growth of Education Concerned with Global Citizenship

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