A Comparative Study on Financial Performance of Tata Steel Ltd and Welspun Corp Ltd

  • Unique Paper ID: 150407
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 23-29
  • Abstract:
  • This study is conducted purely based on secondary data obtained through website (screener.in) of the specified private steel industry. By using the ratio analysis tool we can analyze the performance of both Tata Steel Ltd and Welspun Corp Ltd in India and we can easily find out the strength and weakness of the companies and their position in the market. Different ratios are used in this study and particularly those which are related to the financial statement for this purpose balance sheet of year 2011-12 to2017-18 of Tata Steel Ltd and Welspun Corp Ltd the industries are used and from then ratios are calculated so according to which we can easily compare the company performance and tell which company grows faster and whose position is better than the other one. After comparing the financial position it is clear that position of Tata Steel Ltd is much better than the Welspun Corp Ltd.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 23-29

A Comparative Study on Financial Performance of Tata Steel Ltd and Welspun Corp Ltd

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