Factors affecting student satisfaction towards e-learning in a developing nation

  • Unique Paper ID: 150747
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 201-213
  • Abstract:
  • Online learning is a method where students and teachers interact using internet through different learning tools. The most common discrepancy about online learning is that it lacks face to face interaction and exchange of ideas that one can share with classmates and a teacher in real time. A decent internet is required for completing online tasks. Assignments are difficult to submit on time due to internet issues in developing countries. It doesn’t happen with offline learning. Some of the examples of online tools are Google meet, Zoom video etc. which are operated for free. Many higher educational institutions have their own online learning platform where students and teachers interact in a very suitable online environment, submit assessments, take online quizzes, online exams etc. This has made life much easier as anyone can learn without socially presenting oneself. It is a cost-effective method of learning where travel expenses can be saved. Most of the students can do their job along with studies, which is the main advantage of online education system. Higher degrees are completed more efficiently without disturbing jobs and trainings can be the best example of its advantage which cannot be experienced with offline learning. Many studies suggest that India is in a better position to implement online learning in the present scenario. No doubt, the learning and teaching system adapted by India during COVID-19 pandemic is a live example of all the studies done on India. Our country has successfully adapted the e-learning system but with certain limitations. The students of primary and government schools are not able to adapt to this method due to various reasons, may be lack of ICT among teachers and students, availability of gadgets due to financial instability and so on. Perceived ease of use describes how easily users can use anything. Here, it refers to as suitability of using all the online learning platforms. Much effort should not be required to use the online tools. If the technology is easy to use, then students and teachers both are equally satisfied. Courses delivered by the instructor also acts as an important factor when it comes to student satisfaction. Easily understandable courses help s

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 9
  • PageNo: 201-213

Factors affecting student satisfaction towards e-learning in a developing nation

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