AR Based Try on Clothing

  • Unique Paper ID: 151094
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 720-723
  • Abstract:
  • E-commerce is one of the quickest growing agencies throughout the globe. Technology like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are being carried out in those e-trade web sites to improvise the User level over their internet site or cellular utility. However, customers are nevertheless unhappy with the goods being delivered, due to the fact of the color or length mismatches of the product delivered. Augmented truth primarily based totally On-Line buying platform is a subsequent technology that gives a very immersive insight into the customers inside the E-commerce internet site platform. In this project, AR primarily based totally digital Tryon is advanced, that simply makes the consumer to strive for products, virtually, earlier than shopping for them therefore lowering client dis satisfactions and growing the consumer studies over the platform. This paper proposes an easy but powerful AR primarily based totally E-trade utility advanced using Unity software. The proposed device makes use of Face Tracking MetTerms- Virtual Try, Unity, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, e-commerce, Face tracking.hodology to make the garment put at the human frame virtually.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 7
  • Issue: 11
  • PageNo: 720-723

AR Based Try on Clothing

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