Nelly Dean as Coryphaeus: A Narrative Comparison between Role of Greek Chorus and Nelly Dean from Wuthering Heights

  • Unique Paper ID: 151800
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 1
  • PageNo: 707-709
  • Abstract:
  • Wuthering Heights is an important contemporary novel because of its honest and accurate portrayal of life. It’s not just a Sentimental Romance novel but it is also a Social novel which talks about class structure in society as well as is a treatise on the role of women. Wuthering Heights from the point of view of its narration is considered as a significant medium, rather than simple structural and narrative tools: it takes into consideration the mental framework, backgrounds, experiences of the world and subsequent points of view and it also reveals each character as an individual force that helps to shape and influence Bronte’s novel. It is generally noted that the minor characters of a piece of literature are not given the due emphasis. Their importance is hidden in the light of the major characters. This is very unjust for them. They should be given importance equal to the major characters. This research paper aims to bring about Nelly Dean’s character to light and equalize the role performed by her, to the Greek chorus (Coryphaeus) throughout the novel, and thus, highlight the importance of the minor characters.

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