Advanced Footstep Power Generation System Using RFID For Charging

  • Unique Paper ID: 152065
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 308-311
  • Abstract:
  • The point of this venture is to create the force through strides as a wellspring of environmentally friendly power sources that we can get while strolling on a plan like venturing foot on piezoelectric tiles. A high level stride power age framework proposed here utilizes the piezoelectric sensors. To create a voltage from stride the piezo sensors are mounted beneath the stage in a series mix. This circuit is then sent to our checking hardware. The circuit is the arduino based checking circuit that permits clients to screen the charges and voltage an associated battery to it and this force source has numerous applications. It likewise shows the voltage produced by our stride and shows it on a LCD. Likewise, it's anything but a USB cell phone charging point where a client may associate links to charge the cell phone from the battery charge. The current is conveyed utilizing (radio-recurrence ID) RFID cards so just an approved individual can utilize the generator for charging. Along these lines we charge a battery utilizing power from strides, show it on LCD utilizing an arduino circuit and consider portable charging through the arrangement. Our task model expense is powerful and simple to carry out and furthermore it is useful for climate.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 308-311

Advanced Footstep Power Generation System Using RFID For Charging

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