Eye Guard

  • Unique Paper ID: 152739
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 280-283
  • Abstract:
  • Eyesight is one of your most important senses: 80% of what we perceive comes through our sense of sight. By protecting our eyes, we will reduce the odds of blindness and vision loss while also staying on top of any developing eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma. Healthy brain function needs healthy eyesight. Today, millions of children use computers on a daily basis. Extensive viewing of the computer screen can lead to eye discomfort, fatigue, blurred vision and headaches, dry eyes and other symptoms of eyestrain. This project proposes a system where it uses ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance and based on the distance the brightness is reduced which helps in avoiding/reducing eye strain.

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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 280-283

Eye Guard

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